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Slavery didn't end during the Civil War. Today, 27 million men, women and children
endure brutal working conditions, for no money, under the constant threat of
beatings, torture, and rape. Check out Modern Slavery 101 for some fast
facts about slavery in the 21st century: where it's happening, why it's happening,
and what's been done to stop it.
Slavery still exists in the US. Though it’s more hidden today, it’s every bit as brutal as the chattel slavery practiced in early American history. Click here to learn more about slavery in the U.S.
Slavery in Sudan
For decades the African country of Sudan has been subjected to
government-orchestrated slave raids — a weapon of war the Sudanese government wields against its own people. Arab militias from the country’s northern region routinely raid black African villages in the impoverished southern region, slaughtering the men and taking women and children to the north as slaves. It all adds up to one of the most vicious systems of chattel slavery on the planet.
Read more about slavery in Sudan and find out how you can help... |
Are you buying products with slave labor? The truth may shock you. Check out our interactive world map and find out what’s behind the goods you use everyday.
Every day around the world victims of slavery endure unimaginable physical and emotional abuse. Learn what it’s like to be a slave.